I'm 8 weeks into school now and I feel like I'm drowning! Report cards are due next week and I'm thinking of all the things I was supposed to cover but didn't. This year with the implementation of Common Core, my district has come up with units of study. While they are a great tool to use, I'm used to going at the pace my class needs! I still did that, but now I feel kind of guilty!
I worked for a long time on number sense. Adding and subtracting took FOREVER!!! I was supposed to do that, perimeter, area, time and elapsed time, and multiplication arrays. Anyone else think that was a lot? Well, I got through addition and subtraction and time, and area is next week.
To teach subtraction, I came up with some activity sheets that teach subtraction in a non-traditional way. Many of my students came in knowing how to borrow, but they struggled to do it correctly and didn't know why they were supposed to do all the steps. Some of the sheets used Singapore methods, while others used number lines or hundreds charts. Either way, I think my students truly understand what subtraction is and not just the rote process for subtraction.
This sheet was great because students were still struggling with how to use a hundred chart. This helped show them patterns in numbers. This is also part of the Common Core standard.
I also did subtraction with doubles and near doubles which again built number sense. The near doubles was hard for them and definitely something I need to revisit. After this sheet, they completed a subtract 10 and 100 sheet. They needed to see the pattern where they would only have to change the tens or hundreds digit. Finally, I had them complete a subtraction sheet with Singapore methods where you decompose the number instead of borrowing.
There are several other sheets that go with
this unit and all of them are available at my
TpT store.